热线电话 130 1108 9770 ;173 1048 4595

  VS2 振动开关
  VS2EX 防爆振动开关
  VS94 振动开关
  PV101-A-M02 显示器
  PV101-C-M02 显示器
  PV380 显示器
  PV480 显示器
  PV780 显示器
  LM500 液位计
  EL150K1 液位开关
  EL150EX 防爆液位开关
  ES2P-100 传感器
  ESP-100 传感器




Beijing Carmel Control Technology Co., Ltd.


摩菲公司为您提供各种应用于监控压缩机、泵组、发电机组等设备的控制产品,可监测压力、温度、液位、速度、时间和振动等数据的变量。摩菲公司提供多元化产品,从简单的制动开关到整合微型控制器和远程通讯的自动化系统,满足客户的各类需求。 Murphy offers hundreds of products that monitor and control pumps, generators, and more. Our control systems for industrial operations monitor pressure, temperature, liquid level, overspeed, time and vibration. We cover it all, from simple start/stop operation to sophisticated automation systems incorporating microcontrollers and remote communications.We provide cost-effective, perfectly suited products for our customers, and have been doing it for over 70 years.



Compressor Controls
Panel Systems and Accessories
Gauges (J1939/CAN, Electric, Mechanical)
Level Devices

catalogue section
product type
Pressure and Vacuum
Fluid level
Time, vibration and speed
Magnetic switches & annunciators
Engine panels
Engine controls
Compressor panels
Valves and solenoids
Electric (Swich) gages & senders
Generator controls
J1939 Murphylink system

Section 05 - Pressure and Vacuum

20P and 25P series- Pressure Swichgage (metal case , ground return)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions
A20P and A25P series- Pressure Swichgage (polycarbonate case, insulated return)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions
20BPG, 20BVG series - Pressure & vacuum Murphygage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
20V, 25V, A20V and A25V series- Vacuum Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions
20DP, 25DP, A20DP and A25DP series - Differential pressure Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
VWC series - Filter restriction Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
20PWCM-10 - Low pressure Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
76.PS - direct mount pressure switches

- Bulletin

PSB- Direct mount pressure switch
- Bulletin and Installation Instruction
DHK - Oil pressure tubing kits
- Bulletin
OPL series - Pressure gauge & Swichgage
- Bulletin (general purpose, all applications) 
- OPLC DPCO bulletin (diesel pump pressure/throttle control)
- DISCONTINUED - OPLFC-D (dirty water applications)
- Installation Instructions (all models)
PT167EX - Lead line pressure Swichgage
- Bulletin
45 series - Pressure Swichgage (Magneto, CD & battery ignition)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
45PE series - DISCONTINUED pressure Swichgage with snap-acting SPDT switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
45APE series - Pressure Swichgage with snap-acting SPDT switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
SwichgageMitter - 4.5" Pressure Swichgage with 4-20mA output
- Bulletin

- Installation instructions

PXT series - Pressure transmitters and transducers
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
PXT-K series - Pressure transmitters and transducers
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- PXT to PXT-K replacement cross reference
PXMS and PXDGS series - DISCONTINUED Pressure transmitters and transducers
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
MDM45 - DISCONTINUED loop monitor Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
OPLFNC - DISCONTINUED pressure Swichgage (normally closed switches)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction supplement
LLS series- DISCONTINUED lead line pressure switch
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions

Section 10 - Temperature

20T & 25T Series- Temperature Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
A20T & A25T Series- Temperature Swichgage (polycarbonate case)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
20BTG series - Temperature Murphygage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
76.TS - Direct mount temperature switch
- Bulletin
TSB - Direct mount temperature switch
- Bulletin and Installation Instruction
SPL & 45TE series- Temperature Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
SDB series - Bi-metallic temperature Swichgage
- Bulletin
Exhaust gas pyrometers and pyro-switches
- Bulletin (UK range)
10705146 (00000819)/10705147 (00000956) - Exhaust gas temperature pyrometer
- Bulletin (US range)
- Installation Instruction
MDTM89 series - Dual channel digital temperature Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
TDXM - 24 input temperature scanner/pyrometer
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Installation diagram
- Instructions for spacial latching model
TDX6 - Temperature scanner
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
TC, RTD & RTDT series- Thermocouple transmitter (inc. thermowell)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
1/4" thermocouples - Stainless steel, K type
- Bulletin
Assorted models- Capillary, bulb, adapter & thermowell specifications
- Bulletin
20, 25, A20 & A25 series sensing bulb / capillary length combinations
- Bulletin
TD35 series- DISCONTINUED dual channel digital temperature Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction

Section 15 - Fluid level

L100, L120, L127 & L128 - Oil level Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
L129 series - Lube level Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
L150, EL150K1 and EL150EX series - Level Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- EL150EX switch/terminal kit installation instructions
LM500 (TF) - Oil level maintainer
- Bulletin: English
- Installation Instruction
- Bubble lens assembly instruction
- Installation Manual Reference Sheet
LM2000S - Oil level maintainer
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
LR857 series - Oil level regulator/maintainer
- Bulletin (UK version)
- Bulletin (US version)
- Installation Instruction
LM300 series - Level maintainer
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Glass Lens Kit Installation Instructions
LR500 series - Oil level regulator for lubricators
- Bulletin
L971 series - Flameproof crankcase level switch
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
OPLH & 45LE series- Level Swichgage

- Bulletin

- Installation Instruction
DF series - Hydrostatic head level switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
BLSK1 Series - Bilge level switch systems
- Bulletin
MLS - Fluid level switches for gas compressor scubber systems
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
LS200, LS200N, LS200NDVOR and L1100 series - Level controls for scrubber systems
- Bulletin
- Bulletin - scrubber level system
- Installation Instructions
- Installation Instructions - Falling/rising trip cam version
- Scrubber Level Control System (SLS)
DVU150, DVU175 series - Dump valves
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
DV series - DISCONTINUED dump valves
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
L1200 series - DISCONTINUED level switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction

Section 20 - Time, Vibration and Speed

AT & ATH series - electric analogue tachometer & tachoursrun counter
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction (models after May 2011)
- Installation Instruction (models before May 2011)
- ATVC 12/24 REV voltage converter (UK version) installation
- Manufacturing Change Notice (00-02-0790)
MT90 - digital tachometer
- Bulletin
MTH6 - digital tachoursrun counter & speed switch
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
SHD30 series SHD30 / SHD30-45 - digital tachoursrun counter
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Supplement: Magnetic Pickup Installation Instructions
HD9063, OS77D and SS300 series - Selectronic speed switch
- Bulletin
- HD9063 installation Instruction
- SS300 installation Instruction
- OS77 installation Instruction
- Electronic Speed Switches HD9063, OS77D and SS300 Series
3ST series - 3 point speed trip, magnetic pickup input
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
MP series - magnetic pickups
- UK bulletin (UK and US pickup range)
- US installation Instruction (US range only)
TM series - electromechanical hours-run counter
- Bulletin
5T, 15T, 12T & 24T series - time switches
- Bulletin
EVS - Electronic Vibration Switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Installation Instruction (EX models)
VS2(EX) series - shock & vibration switch
- Bulletin    English
- Installation Instruction    English
VS94 series - shock & vibration switch
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
20SS series - ATEX approved shock & vibration switch
- Sales Bulletin (ys6264)
- Installation Instructions and ATEX certificate (yi5152)
- ATEX case certificate
HD35 series - DISCONTINUED digital hoursrun counter
- Bulletin
SD35HL - DISCONTINUED digital tachometer & dual speed switch
- Bulletin/installation
SHD45 series - DISCONTINUED tachoursrun counter
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
DT9800 series - DISCONTINUED digital tachometer Swichgage
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
TR25/TR40 series - DISCONTINUED time relays, 8 pin plug-in
- Bulletin
TR900 - DISCONTINUED three attempt start timer
- Bulletin
TR1100 Series - DISCONTINUED delay on de-energisation timer
- Bulletin
TR1500 Series - DISCONTINUED assymetrical cyclic timer
- Bulletin

Section 25 - Magnetic Switches, Tattletales & Annunciators

Tattletale Standard Models- Annunciators & magnetic switches
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction 518APH
- TATTLETALE - Annunciators and Magnetic Switches Models 518PH/518APH/518E Installation and Operations Manual
- Wiring Guide
- Replacement cross-reference, 100PH, 307CD, 307PHCD, 224CD
- Replacement cross-reference, 221PH, 169PH, 274, 274PH
- Replacement cross-reference, 221PH with 72 ohm
- Replacement cross-reference, 307, 307PH, 224
ST Series - Selectronic alarm annunciators
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction ST8 & ST4X4
- Installation Instruction ST5AS & ST10AS
- Installation Instruction ST10HC, STA16 and ST110
AP12(B) - DISCONTINUED alarm / annunciator panel
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
A800 - DISCONTINUED 8 channel alarm annunciator
- Bulletin

Section 30 - Engine Panels

B6455 - auto start/stop pump panel
- Bulletin 
- Circuit diagram
B6468 - for non-ECU Perkins/Caterpillar engines
- Bulletin 
B6502, B6503, B6524, B6525 -
for ECU-based (J1939) Perkins/Caterpillar engines
- Bulletin 
Engine diagnostic centres- general purpose engine control panels
- Bulletin
Irrigation pump diagnostic centres: manual start, 33.400.689 based
- Bulletin
Irrigation pump diagnostic centres: EMS689 auto/manual
- Bulletin
Irrigation pump diagnostic centres: 751602 and 751603 series (UK version)
- Bulletin 
WD100/270 series (UK versions) - Swichgage kits with universal mounting panel
- Bulletin
LPC series - PHASED-OUT Fire pump control panels (diesel and electric)
- Bulletin
PS660 - DISCONTINUED irrigation pump control panel
- Bulletin 
- Installation and operation
GsmControl-A - DISCONTINUED remote communication module
- Bulletin 
- Quick-start guide
AMACS GSM - DISCONTINUED remote communication panel
- Bulletin 
- Installation and operation
US designed panel range:
MurphyLink ML series - PowerView based panels
- ML25 bulletin
- ML50 bulletin
- ML100 bulletin
- ML150 bulletin
- ML300 bulletin
- ML300 promotional leaflet
- ML series installation and operation
MurphyLink M110 series - PowerView based panels
- Bulletin
MurphyLink M310 series- PowerView based panels
. Bulletin
WD100 series (US version) - Swichgage kits with universal mounting panel
- Bulletin
W0168 & W0241- Swichgage panel kits
- Bulletin
W0162 & W0163- Cummins B & C series panel kits
- Bulletin
W0270 (US version)- shutdown panel kit
- Bulletin
WDU series - Electric gage shutdown panels foe Deutz engines
- Bulletin
WDU-0277 - Swichgage panel assembly for Deutz engines
- Bulletin
W0156 & W0169- Shutdown panel kits For Deutz & other engines
- Bulletin
EA150 - automatic engine controller
- Bulletin
WAI-271 - alarm only operator panel
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
WD300 - Swichgage shutdown panels with open back
- Bulletin
WHB series- Swichgage shutdown panels for high plains and irrigation engines
- Bulletin
Assorted Panels- universal small instrument panels
- Bulletin
Assorted Panels- universal premium instrument panels
- Bulletin
TL7 & SAH-A- Flashing light & SAH-A Mini-Siren audible alarm
- Bulletin
- Marine Applications

Section 40 - Engine Controls Controllers

PowerCore TEC-10 for Engine Controls
Installation Manual (00-02-0977)
Operations Manual (00-02-0939; Config Version 2.9.20025)
PowerCore MPC-20 for Engine Controls
Installation Manual (00-02-0897)
Operations Manual (00-02-0996; Config version 2.9.20025)
PowerCore MPC-10 for Engine Controls
Installation Manual (00-02-0938)
Operations Manual (00-02-0939; Config Version 2.9.20025)
Keystart 9620 series - Manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
Keystart 7210 / 7211 and
DISCONTINUED Keystart 9610 / 9611
Manual engine controls with auto fault shutdown
- Bulletin (721x series only)
- Installation
CANstart 9631/9632 - Manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
CANstart 9641/9642 - Auto or manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
CASCADE - Auto start/stop engine controller, J1939 compatible
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
eGUARD - Autostart engine control and throttling, J1939 compatible
- Bulletin
ASM150 - Murphymatic engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
ASM170 - Engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation instruction 
ASM200 series - Murphymatic engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation and operation
- Typical wiring diagram
EMS PRO - Industrial pump / engine controller
- Bulletin
- Brochure
- Installation & Operation
EMS PRO LITE - Industrial pump / engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Typical wiring diagram
- Exhibition flyer
EMS447 & EMS448- Murphymatic electronic monitoring system
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Typical wiring diagram
- Exhibition flyer
- Troubleshooting guide
EMS547 - Murphymatic electronic monitoring system / controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Troubleshooting guide
MEMIS - Marine Engine Monitoring & Information System
- Bulletin
A91 Series - Murphymatic engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
RP2300 series, SD85 - DC solenoids and solenoid drive for diesel engines
- Bulletin
RP75 - Rack puller for diesel engines
- Bulletin
AT03069 - MURPHYMATIC engine throttle controller
- Bulletin
- Installation instruction 
CO3 - Electric motor driven linear clutch operator
- Bulletin
Sentinel 300P - Programmable battery chargers, 10A @ 12 / 24V
- Bulletin
- Installation and operation
Sentinel (UL) 150 - Battery chargers, 12 / 24V, 3, 5 & 10 Amp
- Bulletin
- Installation and operation
Sentry series - Battery chargers, 12 / 24V, 3 / 5 Amp
- Sentry bulletin
- Sentry 7 bulletin
- Sentry UL bulletin
- Enclosed Sentry UL bulletin
- Sentry UL & Enclosed Sentry UL installation
Guardian series - Battery chargers, 12 / 24V, 10 & 20 Amp
- Guardian bulletin
- Enclosed Guardian bulletin
- Guardian & Enclosed Guardian installation
- Guardian FP bulletin
- Enclosed Guardian FP bulletin
- Guardian FP & Enclosed Guardian FP installation
Monitor series - Battery chargers, 12 / 24V, 9 - 30 Amp
- Monitor bulletin
SM82 - Switch mode battery charger
- SM82 (open circuit board) bulletin
- SM82 (protective cover) bulletin
A88 & A88F Series - DISCONTINUED Murphymatic engine controller
- Installation Instruction
A900 series - DISCONTINUED Murphymatic generator/engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
AS3000 - DISCONTINUED Engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction 
AT67207 - DISCONTINUED Murphymatic engine throttle controller
(superseded by AT03069)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
GPM92 - DISCONTINUED glow plug control module
- Bulletin
CVT100 series - DISCONTINUED DC general purpose voltage/current relays, plug-in
- Bulletin
CVT500/501 series - DISCONTINUED DC/AC general purpose voltage/current relays
- Bulletin
CVT502/506 series - DISCONTINUED DC/battery voltage monitoring relays
- Bulletin
Sentinel 70/140 series - Phase-out/discontinued Battery chargers, 12 / 24V, 3, 5 & 10 Amp
- Sentinel 70/140 bulletin
- Enclosed Sentinel 70/140 bulletin
- Sentinel & Enclosed Sentinel 70/140 installation
- Sentinel UL 70/140 bulletin
- Enclosed Sentinel UL 70/140 bulletin
- Sentinel UL & Enclosed Sentinel UL 70/140 installation
BC700 series - DISCONTINUED battery chargers, constant current 3 Amp, 12V or 24V
- Bulletin
S10 Series - DISCONTINUED battery chargers, 10 Amp, 12V or 24V
(superseded by BC1524 and BC3012)
- Bulletin
- Off-Highway Applications

Section 50 - Compressor panels

Millenium Controller (available in USA only as part of a complete control panel)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions
TTD - Fully configurable fault annunciator
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions: English | Spanish
- Supplement, NEMA installation
LCDT series - Digital fault annuncitor Tattletale
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
MARK III series- Digital fault annuncitor Tattletale
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
MARK IV series - Digital fault annuncitor Tattletale
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
Series 1501 - Selectronic Micro-controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions
C267, C277, C287 - MODBUS RTU I/O expansion modules
- Installation and operation manual
TTDJ - PHASE OUT/ DISCONTINUED Fully configurable fault annunciator
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
HC-9040 - DISCONTINUED Ignition powered panel tester
- Operating Instructions
Series 1400 - DISCONTINUED Selectronic annunciator with alpha-numeric display
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Information For Four Stage Engine Driven Compressor Applications
- Information For Four Stage Electric Motor Driven Compressor Applications
Series 1500 - DISCONTINUED Selectronic Micro-controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instructions

Section 55 - Valves

SV series - solenoid operated diesel fuel shutoff valves
- Bulletin / installation
CKV & PRV series - diesel fuel line check valves
- Bulletin / installation
M25 & M50 series - electromechanical fuel shutoff valves
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
M2582-P & M5180-P - pneumatic fuel gas shutoff valves
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
PD8100 series - pulsation dampener
- Bulletin / installation
IFD95 - DISCONTINUED ignition failure device
- Bulletin
MSV-375 - DISCONTINUED fuel shutoff valve for diesel engines
- Bulletin

Section 65 - Miscellaneous

VM12, VM24 - DC voltmeters
- Wiring instructions
60-0-60 - DC ammeter
- Wiring instructions

Section 70 - Electric Gauges

EG Series - Electric gauges, Swichgages and sender units
- Bulletin (UK range)
- Bulletin (US range)
- Installation Instruction
- Fuel Level Sender Float Arm & Shaft Adjustment Table
- Mounting Gearbox Pressure Senders (Off Engine)
EN204 - DISCONTINUED Electric gauge four function annunciator Tattletale
- Bulletin
ESI3 - DISCONTINUED Engine Status Indicator (pressure, temperature and battery volts)
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
- Industrial Stationary: Applications

Section 75 - Generator Controls

Keystart 9620 series - Manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
Keystart 7210 / 7211
DISCONTINUED Keystart 9610 / 9611
Manual engine controls with auto fault shutdown
- Bulletin (721x series only)
- Installation
CANstart 9631/9632 - Manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
CANstart 9641/9642 - Auto or manual start/stop engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
CASCADE - Auto start/stop engine controller, J1939 compatible
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
ASM150 - Murphymatic engine controller
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
ASM170 - engine/generator controller
- Bulletin
- Typical wiring diagram 
- Installation Instruction 
Autostart 700 - automatic generator controller
- Bulletin
- Installation reference sheet
- Application note: internal battery replacement
iGUARD - automatic genset controller, J1939 compatible
- Bulletin
- Installation and operations manual
UVR/OVR/CVR/PFR series - AC under/over voltage relays, single or 3 phase
- Bulletin
MGC2000 series - modular generator control panel
- Bulletin
Keystart 9000/9600 series- DISCONTINUED manual engine controls with auto fault shutdown.
- Bulletin
- Installation reference sheet (includes discontinued 9600 series)
- Keystart 7210/9610 - retrofitting guide for older Keystarts
Keystart 9700 series - DISCONTINUED manual engine controls with automatic fault shutdown.
- Bulletin
- Installation reference Sheet
- Keystart 7210/9610 - retrofitting guide for older Keystarts
Keystart 7201 series - DISCONTINUED manual engine controls with automatic fault shutdown.
- Bulletin
- Installation reference Sheet
- Keystart 7210/9610 - retrofitting guide for older Keystarts
Autostart 705 - DISCONTINUED automatic generator controller, LED indication
- AS705 bulletin
- AS705 installation instructions
- Custom label for programmable LEDs (MS Word 6.0/95 format)
- AS7xx programming reference and check sheet
- AS7xx communications and PC software (AS7CK)
Autostart 710 - DISCONTINUED automatic generator controller, LCD indication

- AS710 bulletin

- AS710 installation Instructions
- AS7xx programming reference and check sheet
- AS7xx communications and PC software (AS7CK)
- AS7PROG hand held programmer application note
Autostart 720 - DISCONTINUED. As AS710 plus mains AC voltage monitoring.
- AS720 bulletin

- AS720 ready reference sheet (Installation)

- AS7xx programming reference and check sheet
- AS7xx communications and PC software (AS7CK)
- AS7PROG hand held programmer application note
AS7PROG - DISCONTINUED AS710/AS720 programming keypad
- AS7PROG hand held programmer application note
Autostart 730 - DISCONTINUED auto genset control,                        (SUPERSEDED BY MODEL AS731)
- Converting applications from AS730 to AS731
- AS730 bulletin

- AS730 installation instructions

- AS7xx programming reference and check sheet
- AS7xx communications and PC software (AS7CK)
Autostart AS731/AS732 - DISCONTINUED automatic generator controllers
- AS731 bulletin
- AS732 bulletin
- AS731/732 installation section A: panel mounting and wiring
- AS731/732 installation section B: programming
- AS731/732 installation section C: AS730 to AS731 retrofitting
- AS731/732 operation
- AS731/AS732 communications and AS7CN PC software (808 Kb PDF)
- AS731/AS732 RS232 communications protocol
- AS732 RS485 communication protocol
GV733 - DISCONTINUED display module for Cummins G-Drive engines
- Bulletin and installation
Econostart 8000 - DISCONTINUED automatic mains fail enhancement for Keystart series
- Bulletin
PFR300R - DISCONTINUED 3 phase 3 wire (no neutral) AC trip relays (phase failure)
- Bulletin
UST/OST100 series - DISCONTINUED under or over frequency trip relays, 11 pin plug-in
- Bulletin
UFR/OFR500 series - DISCONTINUED AC trip relays, under or over frequency, DIN rail
- Bulletin
OLR600 series - DISCONTINUED AC overload trip relays, 3 phase
- OLR600 bulletin
- OLR605 bulletin
ECD series - DISCONTINUED earth current detector (RCD) relays
- Bulletin
- Installation Instruction
Core Balance Transformers (DISCONTINUED) - for optional use with ELD/ECD series
- Bulletin
PEM series - DISCONTINUED earth loop impedance monitor relays
- Bulletin
MGC900 - DISCONTINUED manual engine/generator control system
- Bulletin
- Installation
AS3000 genset control panels - DISCONTINUED automatic standby generator controls
- Bulletin

Section 78 - J1939 MurphyLink systems

PV10 - J1939 diagnostic display
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
- Wiring accessories
PowerView PV25 - J1939 diagnostic display
- Sales bulletin
- Installation/operations manual
PowerView PV101 - J1939 display module
- Colour Brochure (2.2Mb PDF)
- Sales bulletin (V2.3):
- Sales bulletin (V2.2):
    English |    Chinese
- User Guide (V2.3)
- V2.3 modifications (supplement for V2.2 user guide)
- User guide (V2.2):    English |    Chinese
- Troubleshooting guide
- Supported J1939 parameters
- Modbus Holding Registers
- Wiring diagrams
- Wiring harness accessories
- Error Messages List
- Fuel sender calibration
- PV101-A-HAZ (ATEX hazardous area) sales bulletin (English)
- PV101-A-HAZ (ATEX hazardous area) installation/operation (English)
- Troubleshooting guide
- Supported J1939 parameters
- Wiring diagrams
- Wiring harness accessories
- Modbus Holding Registers
- Error Messages List
- Sales bulletin and specifications:
- User guide (V3.2): English
- User guide (V3.1):    Chinese
- Software Configuration Tool sales bulletin:    English
- New features insert (V3.1/3.2)
- Troubleshooting guide
- J1939 parameter list
- Modbus holding registers
- Wiring diagrams
- Wiring harness accessories
- Error Messages List
- Fuel sender calibration
PowerView PV450 - 4.3in./109mm colour WQVGA display for off-road/stationary applications
- Sales bulletin
- Promotional leaflet
- Installation and Operation Manual
- Connector kits
- HV450 Installation Manual (00-02-0727)
- HV450 Operation Manual (00-02-0870)
- PV450 Installation and Operations Manual (00-02-0732)
- PV450 Installation and Operations Manual Supplement (00-02-0826)
- Application Tier 4 Overview (1110836)
PowerView PV750 - Full colour WVGA display for off-road/stationary applications
- Sales bulletin
- Promotional leaflet: English
- Sales brochure
- Installation and Operation Manual
- Connector kits
PowerView 1200 Display
- Data Sheet (1712048)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
Murphy PowerView 1100 display
- Data Sheet (1712047)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
Murphy's PowerView 780B display
- Data Sheet (1712046)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
PowerView PV485 Engine and Diagnostic Display
- Data Sheet (1715037)
- Technical Sales Bulletin (1715064)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
PowerView PV780 display
- Product Bulletin (1211067)
- Sales Flyer (1211002)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
- Custom Solutions Brochure (1411595)
Murphy PowerView 380 multifunction displays
- Data Sheet (1511625)
- Technical Sales Bulletin (1611971)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Data Sheet (1110914)
- Custom Solutions Brochure (1411595)
PowerView 350 display
- Sales Bulletin (1611970)
- Sales Bulletin (1311231)
- Sales Flyer (1110900)
- PowerView Brochure (1712039)
- PowerVision Configuration Studio Sales Flyer (1110914)
PVCAN20, PVCAN35 - Premium PowerView analogue gauges for direct J1939 CANbus connection
- Sales bulletin: English
- Installation instructions
PVA20, PVA35 and PVAA20 - Premium PowerView analogue gauges for RS485 connection to Powerview (J1939/CAN) displays
- Bulletin, English
- Sales bulletin and specifications:    English
- Installation and operation manual
- Wiring harness accessories
PVM20 and PVM35 - Streamlined PowerView analogue gauges for RS485 connection to Powerview (J1939/CAN) displays
- Sales bulletin and specifications:    English
- Installation Instructions
- Wiring harness instructions:    English
PVS-5 - Power supply for PVM series gauges
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
CANdrive CDV100 / CDV300 - J1939 to electric gauge interface
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
- Installation supplement for 79.70.0003 (Manitou)
SenderCAN - CAN J1939 input/output module
- Bulletin
FuelCAN - Fuel sender to CAN J1939 interface module
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
MeCAN - Mechanical engine sender to CAN J1939 interface module
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
XM500 - J1939 input / output module
- Bulletin
- XM500 to PV101 wiring diagram
- Configuration tool, Installation and Operation
- Connector kits
PDM - Power Distribution Module
- Bulletin
- Promotional leaflet: English
MDDM - J1939 MurphyLink Display and Diagnostic Module
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
MDDM-MOD - J1939 MurphyLink Display and Diagnostic Module with MODbus RTU comms
- Bulletin
- Installation instructions
MLA20 series, MLA35, MLAA20 - MurphyLink system analog gauges
- Bulletin
- MLink gages installation instructions
- MLink audible alarm installation instructions
MurphyLink M110 series - PowerView based panels for J1939 engines
. Bulletin
MurphyLink M310 series - PowerView based panels for J1939 engines
. Bulletin
PV100 - DISCONTINUED, superseded by PV101 above
- Bulletin, English
- Installation and operation manual, English
- PV100 Modbus slave registers
- PV100 error messages list
- Wiring harness accessories
PowerView PV1000 - DISCONTINUED Full colour VGA display for off-road/stationary applications
- Sales brochure (1.3Mb)
- Specifications
- Installation manual
- Operations manual
HelmView HV1000 - DISCONTINUED full colour VGA display for marine applications
- Sales brochure (1.1Mb)
- Specifications
- Installation manual, multi-language
- Operations manual, English
- Technical drawings
Volvo Penta version:
- Operator's Manual
- Depth Speed Temperature (DST) multisensor transducer manual
- Kit Structure & Mounting Instructions





Murphy by Enovation Controls

Enovation Controls leads the industry for engine and equipment protection and monitoring in the Industrial, Off-Highway and Recreational Vehicle markets, including the PowerView and PowerCore families.



FW Murphy Production Controls

FW Murphy Production Controls proudly offers a wide range of instrumentation and control solutions for the Oil & Gas Production and Natural Gas Compression markets, including EICS, AFR, IntelliSpark, Centurion and Compression Control Panel Systems.


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Murphy Instrumentation
FW Murphy Controls & Instrumentation
Equipment Monitoring, Protection, Control and Automation

Pressure and Vacuum
Time, Vibration and Overspeed
Magnetic Switches / TATTLETALE (Annunciators)
Engine Panels and Digital Fault Annunicators
Automation Systems
Electric Motor Controls
Shutdown Devices
Electric Gauge and Switchgage
Gen Set Controls


美国DMK Engineering Solutions公司
Beijing Carmel Control Technology Co., Ltd.

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Email: sales@cnmec.biz
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