Compressor Controls
FW Murphy 成立于 1939 年,总部位于德克萨斯州罗森伯格,是往复式压缩机和相关驱动系统控制、远程监控、基于数字孪生的预测性维护和自适应性能优化组件、解决方案和仪器的领先供应商。FW Murphy 的解决方案用于天然气生产、运输和工业用途市场,以及新兴的氢气和碳捕获应用。FW Murphy 是备受推崇的技术先驱和领导者,在控制和优化往复式压缩机和发动机的性能方面。增加其解决方案组合将使DPC能够为往复式压缩客户提供无与伦比的技术选择,以提高效率,提高安全性,减少碳排放,并加速清洁能源的采用。Founded in 1939 and headquartered in Rosenberg, Texas, FW Murphy is a leading provider of control, remote monitoring, digital-twin-based predictive maintenance, and adaptive performance optimization components, solutions, and instrumentation for reciprocating compressors and associated drive systems. FW Murphy's solutions are used in natural gas production, transportation, and industrial use markets, as well as in emerging hydrogen and carbon capture applications.
LR500 Series润滑油液位计 |
BMD PC88 Pressure Control Pilots
PC88压力控制先导器 |
BMD PC48 Pressure Control Pilots
PC48压力控制先导器 |
BMD RV10 safety relief valve
RV10安全泄压阀 |
BMD RG40 Regulators
RG40高压弹簧式减压阀 |
BMD RG30 Spring-Operated Regulator
RG30弹簧式调节阀 |
BMD CV41 Open-Yoke Control valve
CV41控制阀 |
BMD CV40 Control Valves
CV40控制阀 |
BMD CV30 Control Valves
CV30控制阀 |
BMD CV20 Control Valves
CV20控制阀 |
BMD CV15S Control Valves
CV15S控制阀 |
BMD CV15 Open-Yoke, Cage-Guided Control Valves
CV15控制阀 |
BMD CV10S Close-Coupled Control Valves
CV10S控制阀 |
BMD CV10 Cage-Guided Close-Coupled Control Valve
CV10控制阀 |