Beijing Carmel Control Technology Co., Ltd.
北京卡梅迩控制技术有限公司在中国销售美国Murphy摩菲仪器仪表产品已经有十五年以上的历史。Murphy产品包括机械式仪表、电动式仪表、CAN总线仪表;液位仪表、振动、计时和过速检测仪表、仪表用继电器、控制阀、发动机J1939 系统产品、发电机组控制器、发动机控制器等产品。Murphy公司成立于1939年。Murphy摩菲仪器仪表位于美国俄克拉荷马州的,有着70余年在石油石化设备控制保护、船用发动机控制、电喷发动机控制、空气压缩机及风机保护与控制方面专业的仪器仪表制造水准,在现场控制仪器仪表行业独树一帜,被世界范围的大型设备制造厂家所选用。Murphy offers hundreds of products that monitor and control pumps, generators, and more. Our control systems for industrial operations monitor pressure, temperature, liquid level, overspeed, time and vibration. We cover it all, from simple start/stop operation to sophisticated automation systems incorporating microcontrollers and remote communications.We provide cost-effective, perfectly suited products for our customers, and have been doing it for over 70 years.

Request 2024 FW Murphy Product Catalog
FW Murphy Production Controls

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20DP I 25DP / A20DP / A25DP Series Differential Pressure Swichgage
20P / 25P Series Pressure Swichgage
20T / 25T Series Temperature Switchgage
20V / 25V I A20V / A25V Series Vacuum Swichgage
45APE Series SwichgageR
76.PS Pressure Switch
76.TS Temperature Switch
A20 / A25P Series Pressure Swichgage
A20T / A25T Series Temperature Swichgage
AT / ATH Tachometers
AT03069 Murphymatic Throttle Controller
B-Series Murphygage
CKV I PRV Series
DRC Series
Electric Swichgage Instruments
EMC Series
ESPS & ESTS Series
Exhaust Pyrometers
HD9063,OS77D And SS300
HGC-2 Series
IX3212 Intelligent Xpansion Tm Power Distribution Module
L100 / L120 / L127
L129 Series
L150 & EL150 Series Level Swichgage
L971 Series
LM300 Series
LM500 / LM500-TF
Magnetic Pickups
Marine Engine Panels
MGC1000 Panel
ML1000-4X Panels
ML2000 Panels
MLC380 Panels
MLC485 Panels
Model 12 Air Temperature Sensor
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphylink Series Panels (ML25-ML150)
MVP-C Series
OpenViewTM S50
OpenViewTM S70
OPL Series SwichgageR
PowerCore CXM-110
PowerCore MPC-10
PowerCore MPC-20
PowerCore TEC-10
PowerView 101
PowerView 1100
PowerView 1200
PowerView 25
PowerView 350
PowerView 380
PowerView 450
PowerView 485
PowerView 500
PowerView 700
PowerView 780
PowerView 780B
PowerView P70
PowerView U150
PowerView U120
PowerView 1200
PowerView 1100
PowerView 780B
PowerView 780
PowerView 700
PowerView 500
PowerView 485
PowerView 450 / HelmView 450
PowerView 380
PowerView 350
PowerView 101
PowerView 25
HelmView 780 (HVS780)
Powerview Gauges
PowerVision Configuration Studio
PXT-K Series
Ready To Run Panels For Doosan Engines
Ready To Run Panels For lsuzu Engines
Ready To Run Panels For MTUR Engines
RP Series Pull/Push DC Solenoids
Sentinel 150P Series
Sentinel 300P Series
Specialized Charging And Power Supply ProductssV Series
Tattletale Annunciators And Magnetic Switches
TC, RTD And RTDT Series
TM Series Hourmeters
UControlTm MC2-18-6
UControlTM MC3-21-10
UControlTm MC4-21-14-H8
UControlTm MC4-26-20
VS2TM Series
WHB Series
Zero Off GPS Speed Control System
点击产品类别找到相应的Murphy PDF技术资料:
压力产品 |
96023 20, 25, A20, and A25 Series Vacuum Switchgage Instrument 2 and 2-1/2 in. (51 and 64 mm) Dial
96014 Differential Pressure for Filter Restriction 20DP, 25DP, A20DP and A25DP Series 2 and 2-1/2 in. (51 and 64 mm) Dial
94116 20 and 25 Series Pressure Swichgage 2 and 2-1/2 in. (51 and 64 mm) Dial
94030 A20 and A25 Series Pressure Swichgage Instrument
96012 B-Series Murphygage Instrument
9104 Mount Pressure Switch Model PSB
96001 Pressure Gage and Swichgage Instruments OPL Series 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) Diameter Dial
00029 Pressure Swichgage 45APE Series Instrument
96107 Lead Line Pressure Swichgage Instrument, Model PT167EX 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) Diameter Dial
01041 Pressure Transmitters PXT Series |
温度产品 |
95026 A20 and A25 Series Temperature Swichgage
94031 20 and 25 Series Temperature Swichgage, 2 and 2-1/2 in. (51 and 64 mm) Dial
9137 Direct Mount Temperature Switch – Model TSB
8428 Sensing Bulb/Scale/Capillary Length Combinations for 20, 25, A20 and A25 Series Temperature Swichgage and Murphygage Instruments
9011 Exhaust Pyrometers - Models 10705146 and 0705147
7543 Direct-Mount Temperature Swichgage Instrument SDB Series
94117 4.5 in. (114 mm) Dial Temperature Swichgage SPL and 45TE Series
8911 Dual Temperature Swichgage Model Series MDTM89
9106 Temperature Scanner/Pyrometer Swichgage – Model TDX6
00064 Temperature Scanner/Pyrometer – TDXM Model
96084 Thermocouple, RTD, and RTD Transmitter Assemblies with Thermowell – TC, RTD, and RTDT Series
0610107 Thermocouple, ?″ Diameter Stainless Steel Tube Type
0910430 Air Temperature Sensor - Model 12 |
液位产品 |
时间、振动和速度产品 |
报警器 |
发动机控制箱 |
发动机控制 |
压缩机控制 |
阀门 |
7867 Diesel Fuel Check Valves – CKV/PRV Series
99026 Diesel-Fuel Shutoff Valves – SV-Series
94134 Electromechanical Fuel Shutoff Valves – M25 and M50 Series
94129 Pneumatic Valves for Fuel Gas Shutoff Models M2582-P and M5180-P
95145 Pulsation Dampener – PD8100 Series |
动磁式仪表 |
发电机组控制 |
CAN总线产品 |
Murphy by Enovation Controls
Enovation Controls leads the industry for engine and equipment protection and monitoring in the Industrial, Off-Highway and Recreational Vehicle markets, including the PowerView and PowerCore families.
FW Murphy Production Controls
FW Murphy Production Controls proudly offers a wide range of instrumentation and control solutions for the Oil & Gas Production and Natural Gas Compression markets, including EICS, AFR, IntelliSpark, Centurion and Compression Control Panel Systems.
Murphy product
05: Pressure
10: Temperature
15: Fluid Level
20: Vibration, time & speed
25: Tattletale relays/annunciators
30: Panel Systems
40: Engine Controls & Battery chargers
50: Compressor Controls
55: Valves
70: Electric Gauges
75: Genset Controls
78: CAN/J1939 MurphyLink
80: CAN I/O Modules
Displays (J1939/CAN)
Engine Controls
CAN I/O modules
Panel Systems
Fluid level
Battery Chargers
Battery Chargers
CAN/J1939 I/O Modules
Controls & Actuators (Electro/Mechanical)
Controls (Electronic)
Controllers / Annunicators (Gas Compression)
Displays (J1939/CAN) – Industrial
Displays (J1939/CAN) – Marine
Exhaust Emission Controls
Fluid Level Maintainers
Fluid Level Switches
Gauges (Electric)
Gauges (J1939/CAN)
Gauges (Mechanical)
Gauges – Tachometers/hourmeters
Ignition Systems
Panel Systems (Electronic Engines)
Panel Systems (Mechanical Engines)
Sensors/Instruments: Pressure
Sensors/Instruments: Speed
Sensors/Instruments: Temperature
Sensors/Instruments: Vibration/shock
20 and 25 Series Pressure SWICHGAGE ..................... 5
20 and 25 Series Temperature Swichgage ................. 35
20, 25, A20 and A25 Series Temperature Swichgage 41
20DP, 25DP, A20DP, A25DP ........... 3
45APE Pressure Swichgage .......... 23
45TE .................. 49
75160 Series ... 139
A20 and A25 Series Pressure Swichgage..................... 9
A20 and A25 Series Temperature SWICHGAGE........ 31
A20 and A25 Series Vacuum Swichgage...................... 1
A20DP and A25DP Series................ 3
A91 .................. 193
AEC101 ........... 181
AFR-1R ............ 231
AFR-64L .......... 237
AFR-64R .......... 235
AFR-9R............ 233
AFR-FI ............. 239
Air Temperature Sensor ................. 63
Analog Gages.. 327
Annunciator Panel ........................ 263
ASM150... 189, 297
ASM170 ... 191, 299
AT and ATH..... 103
AT03069 .......... 213
Auto Start Module................. 191, 299
Automatic Engine Controller . 181, 189
Auto-Start/Stop Controller .... 195, 301
Bilge Level Switch System BLSK1 Series ................... 65
B-Series Murphygage ..................... 13
CANdrive.......... 343
CANstart 9630........................187, 295
Cascade... 195, 301
Centurion C4 Series...................... 255
Centurion? Control Panel ............ 265
Centurion? PLUS......................... 259
Centurion? PLUS Control Panel ..267
Clutch Operator 215
Control Systems & Services...........271
DF Series ........... 67
Diagnostic Panel Kits For Cummins B
and C-Series Engines .................. 159
Dial Level Swichgage...................... 99
Dial Temperature SWICHGAGE......49
Diesel Fuel Check Valves ............. 273
Diesel-Fuel Shutoff Valves............ 275
Differential Pressure for Filter Restriction ...................... 3
Digital Tachometer and Hourmeter ....................107, 109
Direct Mount Temperature Switch – Model TSB.......... 39
Direct-Mount Temperature Swichgage ........................ 45
DSI ................... 225
Dual Temperature SWICHGAGE.... 53
Dump Valves - DVU Series............. 97
EG Series......... 287
Electric Gage Shutdown Panels.... 149
Electromechanical Fuel Shutoff Valves ......................279
Electronic Monitoring System/Controller ....................205
Electronic Monitoring Systems...... 203
Electronic Speed Switches............ 111
Electronic Vibration Switch ............119
EMS PRO..........197
EMS447 ........... 203
EMS448 ...........203
EMS467 ........... 201
EMS547 ...........205
Engine and Generator Controls ......................... 187, 185
Engine Integrated Control System .241
Engine Throttle Controller .............213
EVS.................. 119
Exhaust Pyrometers........................ 43
Fault Annunciator ......................... 249
Float Actuated Oil Level Swichgage............................ 85
Float Level Oil Level Switchgage ... 85
FuelCAN? ...... 345
HD9063 ........... 111
Hourmeters...... 115
Hydrostatic Head Level Switches ... 67
I/O Module ....... 341
Ignition Controllers........................ 221
iGuard? Gen-Set Controller ......... 303
Keystart 9620 ....................... 185, 293
L129................... 87
L150/ EL150K1 Series.................... 71
L971................... 89
LCDT ............... 247
Level Maintainer 77
Level Swichgage ............................ 71
Liquid Level Switches ............... 91, 93
LM2000/LM2000S .......................... 79
LM300 ................ 77
LR500................ 81
LR857................ 83
LS200 & L1100.. 93
Lube Level Maintainer ............... 73-83
Lube Level Swichgage ................... 83
M110 Panels.... 167
M25.................. 279
M2582-P .......... 283
M310................ 171
M50................... 279
M5180-P........... 283
Magnetic Switches ........................ 133
MDTM89 ............ 53
MeCAN............. 349
Micro-Controller/Annunciator .........253
Mini-siren ..........137
MPI ........... 221-229
MPI 601 Series. 223
MPI Brushless Alternators............. 227
MPI Detonation Sensing Interface 225
MPI Ignition Coils .......................... 229
MT90................ 105
MTH6 ...............107
Multipoint Air-Fuel Ratio Controller ............................ 233
MurphyLink? Panels .............167, 191
MURPHYMATIC? Engine Micro-Controller ...............193
Oil Level Regulators........................ 81
Oil Level Swichgage ........................85
OPL Pressure Gage and Swichgage ........................... 17
OPLH / OPLHACS .......................... 99
OS77D .............111
PD8100 ............285
Pneumatic Valves for Fuel Gas Shutoff ..................... 283
Power Supply... 339
PowerView ............................ 315-337
Pressure SWICHGAGE ................ 5, 9
PSB Direct Mount Pressure Switch. 15
PT167EX Lead Line Pressure Swichgage ................... 25
Pulsation Dampener...................... 285
PV101 ...... 319, 321
PV450 ...............317
PV750 ..............315
PVM Series Gages........................ 333
PVS-5............... 339
PXT Series Pressure Transmitters.. 27
Rack Puller ...... 211
Remote Alarm Annunciators......... 127
Rich Burn Air-Fuel Ratio Controller ........................... 231
RP 2900 ........... 207
RP75................ 211
RTD ................... 59
RTDT................. 59
SAH ................. 137
SDB ................... 45
Selectronic? Digital Tachometer.. 105
Selectronic? Flasher Alarm Light. 137
SenderCAN ..... 347
Sensing Bulb/Scale/Capillary Length Combinations ... 41
Sentinal 150 Series ....................... 307
Sentinal 300P ... 311
Series 1501 ..... 253
SHD30-45........ 109
Shock and Vibration Control Switch .......................... 125
Shock and Vibration Switch.......... 121
Shutdown Panel Kits .................... 157
Shutdown Panels for DEUTZ ....... 149
Shutdown Panels for Diesel Engines ........................ 147
Shutdown Panels for Irrigation Engines .................... 155
Shutdown Panels for Irrigation Engines and Pumps . 139
Shutdown Panels for Mobile Equipment of All Kinds. 141
Solenoids......... 207
Solenoids for Diesel Engines........ 207
SPL and 45TE Series ..................... 49
SS300.............. 111
ST Selectronic Tattletale .............. 127
SV-Series ........ 275
Swichgage? Diagnostic Panel Kits ........................... 159
Swichgage? Kits for Engines ....... 145
Swichgage? Shutdown Panel Kit ...................... 163, 165
Swichgage? Shutdown Panels ......... 139, 141, 147, 155
Tachometers and Tach/Hourmeters.......................... 103
Tattletale? Annunciator ........ 133, 291
TC Thermocouple........................... 59
TDX6 ................. 55
TDXM ................ 57
Temperature Scanner/Pyrometer ... 57
Temperature Scanner/Pyrometer SWICHGAGE......... 55
Temperature SWICHGAGE ................. 31, 35, 41, 45, 49
Thermocouple ........................... 59, 61
Thermocouple, RTD, and RTD Transmitter
Assemblies....... 59
Time Switches ..117
TL7 ...................137
TM Hourmeter...115
Transformer Relay Assemblies ..... 217
TSB .................... 39
TTD ..................249
Vacuum Swichgage ..........................1
VS2 .................. 121
VS94 ................ 125
W0162.............. 159
W0163.............. 159
W0168.............. 163
W0241.............. 163
W0270.............. 165
WAI ..................141
WD100 ............. 145
WD300 ............. 147
WDU .................149
WHB .................155
Wiring Harness Accessories .331, 337
XM500 ..............341
Engine Controls
Panel Systems
Fluid Level
Battery Chargers
FW Murphy Production Controls Process Monitoring Instruments | Enovation Controls Electric Swichgage instruments | Murphy by Enovation Controls Swichgage & Murphygage instruments | Murphy by Enovation ...murphy control F.W. Murphy Controls & Instrumentation Instrumentation and control systems for engine driven equipment, including oil and gas, irrigation and agriculture, power generation, marine, generator sets and any application involving engines and their driven equipment.
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murphy swichgage
murphy controls and instrumentation
murphy instrument panel
fw murphy manufacturing
fw murphy products
murphy parts
Murphy Instrumentation
FW Murphy Controls & Instrumentation
Equipment Monitoring, Protection, Control and Automation
Pressure and Vacuum
Time, Vibration and Overspeed
Magnetic Switches / TATTLETALE (Annunciators)
Engine Panels and Digital Fault Annunicators
Automation Systems
Electric Motor Controls
Shutdown Devices
Electric Gauge and Switchgage
Gen Set Controls