FW Murphy Production Controls PDF Catalog Downloads
FW Murphy 摩菲的产品帮助用户顺利地由机械式发动机过渡到电控式发动机,从而达到排放标准的提升。Murphylink系列产品是符合CAN总线j1939协议的发动机参数显示仪表。其中Powerview以更先进的界面,更高的稳定性及更强大的故障诊断能力来适应新一代的CAN总线显示要求。 摩菲在CAN总线仪表方面的地位是在设计中不断地满足用户的需求,从而一步步建立起来的。高标准的规格使摩菲的产品能够适应各种恶劣环境,完美周全的设计又使其易于操作。Murphy offers hundreds of products that monitor and control pumps, generators, and more. Our control systems for industrial operations monitor pressure, temperature, liquid level, overspeed, time and vibration. We cover it all, from simple start/stop operation to sophisticated automation systems incorporating microcontrollers and remote communications.We provide cost-effective, perfectly suited products for our customers, and have been doing it for over 70 years.

Request 2024 FW Murphy Product Catalog
FW Murphy Production Controls
Browse All Products
20DP I 25DP / A20DP / A25DP Series Differential Pressure Swichgage
20P / 25P Series Pressure Swichgage
20T / 25T Series Temperature Switchgage
20V / 25V I A20V / A25V Series Vacuum Swichgage
45APE Series SwichgageR
76.PS Pressure Switch
76.TS Temperature Switch
A20 / A25P Series Pressure Swichgage
A20T / A25T Series Temperature Swichgage
AT / ATH Tachometers
AT03069 Murphymatic Throttle Controller
B-Series Murphygage
CKV I PRV Series
DRC Series
Electric Swichgage Instruments
EMC Series
ESPS & ESTS Series
Exhaust Pyrometers
HD9063,OS77D And SS300
HGC-2 Series
IX3212 Intelligent Xpansion Tm Power Distribution Module
L100 / L120 / L127
L129 Series
L150 & EL150 Series Level Swichgage
L971 Series
LM300 Series
LM500 / LM500-TF
Magnetic Pickups
Marine Engine Panels
MGC1000 Panel
ML1000-4X Panels
ML2000 Panels
MLC380 Panels
MLC485 Panels
Model 12 Air Temperature Sensor
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphylink Series Panels (ML25-ML150)
MVP-C Series
OpenViewTM S50
OpenViewTM S70
OPL Series SwichgageR
PowerCore CXM-110
PowerCore MPC-10
PowerCore MPC-20
PowerCore TEC-10
PowerView 101
PowerView 1100
PowerView 1200
PowerView 25
PowerView 350
PowerView 380
PowerView 450
PowerView 485
PowerView 500
PowerView 700
PowerView 780
PowerView 780B
PowerView P70
PowerView U150
PowerView U120
PowerView 1200
PowerView 1100
PowerView 780B
PowerView 780
PowerView 700
PowerView 500
PowerView 485
PowerView 450 / HelmView 450
PowerView 380
PowerView 350
PowerView 101
PowerView 25
HelmView 780 (HVS780)
Powerview Gauges
PowerVision Configuration Studio
PXT-K Series
Ready To Run Panels For Doosan Engines
Ready To Run Panels For lsuzu Engines
Ready To Run Panels For MTUR Engines
RP Series Pull/Push DC Solenoids
Sentinel 150P Series
Sentinel 300P Series
Specialized Charging And Power Supply ProductssV Series
Tattletale Annunciators And Magnetic Switches
TC, RTD And RTDT Series
TM Series Hourmeters
UControlTm MC2-18-6
UControlTM MC3-21-10
UControlTm MC4-21-14-H8
UControlTm MC4-26-20
VS2TM Series
WHB Series
Zero Off GPS Speed Control System

FW Murphy Production Controls Process Monitoring Instruments | Enovation Controls Electric Swichgage instruments | Murphy by Enovation Controls Swichgage & Murphygage instruments | Murphy by Enovation ...murphy control F.W. Murphy Controls & Instrumentation Instrumentation and control systems for engine driven equipment, including oil and gas, irrigation and agriculture, power generation, marine, generator sets and any application involving engines and their driven equipment.
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Murphy Instrumentation
FW Murphy Controls & Instrumentation
Equipment Monitoring, Protection, Control and Automation
Pressure and Vacuum
Time, Vibration and Overspeed
Magnetic Switches / TATTLETALE (Annunciators)
Engine Panels and Digital Fault Annunicators
Automation Systems
Electric Motor Controls
Shutdown Devices
Electric Gauge and Switchgage
Gen Set Controls
Browse All Products
20DP I 25DP / A20DP / A25DP Series Differential Pressure Swichgage
20P / 25P Series Pressure Swichgage
20T / 25T Series Temperature Switchgage
20V / 25V I A20V / A25V Series Vacuum Swichgage
45APE Series SwichgageR
76.PS Pressure Switch
76.TS Temperature Switch
A20 / A25P Series Pressure Swichgage
A20T / A25T Series Temperature Swichgage
AT / ATH Tachometers
AT03069 Murphymatic Throttle Controller
B-Series Murphygage
CKV I PRV Series
DRC Series
Electric Swichgage Instruments
EMC Series
ESPS & ESTS Series
Exhaust Pyrometers
HD9063,OS77D And SS300
HGC-2 Series
IX3212 Intelligent Xpansion Tm Power Distribution Module
L100 / L120 / L127
L129 Series
L150 & EL150 Series Level Swichgage
L971 Series
LM300 Series
LM500 / LM500-TF
Magnetic Pickups
Marine Engine Panels
MGC1000 Panel
ML1000-4X Panels
ML2000 Panels
MLC380 Panels
MLC485 Panels
Model 12 Air Temperature Sensor
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphy Industrial Harnesses
Murphylink Series Panels (ML25-ML150)
MVP-C Series
OpenViewTM S50
OpenViewTM S70
OPL Series SwichgageR
PowerCore CXM-110
PowerCore MPC-10
PowerCore MPC-20
PowerCore TEC-10
PowerView 101
PowerView 1100
PowerView 1200
PowerView 25
PowerView 350
PowerView 380
PowerView 450
PowerView 485
PowerView 500
PowerView 700
PowerView 780
PowerView 780B
PowerView P70
PowerView U150
PowerView U120
PowerView 1200
PowerView 1100
PowerView 780B
PowerView 780
PowerView 700
PowerView 500
PowerView 485
PowerView 450 / HelmView 450
PowerView 380
PowerView 350
PowerView 101
PowerView 25
HelmView 780 (HVS780)
Powerview Gauges
PowerVision Configuration Studio
PXT-K Series
Ready To Run Panels For Doosan Engines
Ready To Run Panels For lsuzu Engines
Ready To Run Panels For MTUR Engines
RP Series Pull/Push DC Solenoids
Sentinel 150P Series
Sentinel 300P Series
Specialized Charging And Power Supply ProductssV Series
Tattletale Annunciators And Magnetic Switches
TC, RTD And RTDT Series
TM Series Hourmeters
UControlTm MC2-18-6
UControlTM MC3-21-10
UControlTm MC4-21-14-H8
UControlTm MC4-26-20
VS2TM Series
WHB Series
Zero Off GPS Speed Control System